Keystone Student Loans
Through the Keystone Student Loan Program, the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA) offers private education loan options to enable students in Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Virginia and West Virginia to pursue their higher education dreams and to make managing their loans easier and more convenient.
The Keystone Student Loan Program has the following benefits:
- No fees
- Low, fixed interest rates
- Multiple repayment options
- Potential interest rate rewards
- No prepayment penalty
Loan Types
Currently there are three loan types in the Keystone Student Loan Program.
Undergraduate Loan | Graduate Loan | Parent Loan |
A loan designed specifically for students seeking an undergraduate degree, certificate, or diploma.
A loan designed specifically for students seeking an advanced degree such as masters, doctoral, law, health profession, or others.
A loan designed specifically for parents or guardians of dependent undergraduate students. |
Looking to refinance your existing student loans?
PHEAA offers the PA Forward Refinance Loan to residents of MD, PA, DE, NJ, NY, OH, VA, and WV. There are benefits to refinancing with PA Forward, such as:
- Lower monthly payments*
- Get a lower interest rate**
- One bill, one lender
- No pre-payment penalties
- Fixed interest rate
- Different repayment terms to fit your personal situation***
Plan Ahead & Be a Smart Borrower
The world of student aid can sometimes be difficult to navigate; however, it doesn't have to be. We have gathered information that will make it easier for you to understand.
EducationPlanner.org | MySmartBorrowing.org | YouCanDealWithIt.com |
This career and college planning website provides practical and easy-to-understand advice to help prepare students for the important decisions they will face in the future. |
Using this interactive tool, you can create up to four different scenarios to see how your career and college choices may affect how much you pay for college and if you are at risk for overborrowing. |
This website provides practical and easy-to-understand advice on how to deal with common financial situations facing today's college students and recent graduates. |
NOTE: If you visit one of the above sites, please remember to come back to this site if you decide to apply for a Keystone Student Loan.
*Your payment could increase depending on the selected repayment term.
**Interest rate depends on credit score and other factors.
***You could pay more interest over the life of the loan with a longer loan term.